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In attempt to make our distance learning program more adaptable and functional for you and with a commitment to make  our school 21st century compatible, we are now offering our unique distance learning program through email.  Our study guides will now come straight to your inbox and you can return them straight to ours.  Our desire is to cut down on the cost of your postage and to adapt to you and your busy lifestyle.  This program will remove the hastle of mailing study guides back and forth.
Dr. David Lively will manage our e-course program and students will be accepted into this program on a limited basis.  If you are interested you may contact Dr. Lively today through email.  His e-mail address is dlivey@covingtonseminary.org.
Please respond quickly as we have already mentioned students will be accepted only on a limisted basis and possibly only for a limited time as we work through this process. 
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